Monday, October 8, 2007

Studio Construction or Indoor Spa?

Well day 4 of the de-shingling project started with a pump and a shop vac. We were lucky though as we only had .7" of rain during the night and 1-2" was forecast. We can tell which way the floor "flows", thankfully it was the opposite of where the majority of equipment is stored.

We're making progress and feel like death warmed over...why did I want to salvage the lumber in the roof...someone remind me! Ugh!

Last night we had a 1/2 roof shingle burn there just stands 1" of ash and a whole lotta nails!

We're down to 2/3's of the job done now, I hope we can get the rest finished by the weekend, but have too many commitments for the week to know if it's doable. Keep your fingers crossed!

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