Georgie has this gift of "vision"; she's always been able to see something dimensional in a space, before it actually became a reality. I stare blankly and just have to take her word for it. I'm nearsighted when it comes to "spacial imagination"! (I'd never make it as a 3 dimensional artist)

When we first moved here in 2002, we had this building we called the "Coup". It was slightly short of a disaster area inside. We later were told it had been a sheep barn since the mid 1950's and had 100 head in the building at one time. (it had been a poultry barn previous to that)

The roof rafters had been stuffed with straw and stapled over with a sort of "vinyl" material. This was a means of insulating the building...the north, east and west walls were boarded over with straw inside as well. Eventually the mice must've become a huge issue...they loved this many nice bedding choices! The inside took some doing to just get in! Eventually we cleaned up enough to store things inside.

But, as I said, Georgie has this gift. She suggested this could be a great studio, gallery, and shop space. I'm sure I looked at it like a deer in headlights. Over the next 4 years, we cleaned things up. I'd say she was right! I'll also say I felt like a deer in headlights once again after we got things moved over this blew me away! What can I say, she's got the gift and I feel blessed for her to share it with me!

I'll share the new studio/office/gallery/shop space with just the office though; we don't want to over do it!

Meanwhile, Georgie is working in the house...its changing as I type. I don't suppose she's "seeing things" in there?!!
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