"Summer Morning" - oil painting (12X24")
© Bruce A. Morrison
(click on image for a larger view)
Yesterday was a typical summer morning. The low lying mist wasn't as heavy as usual, but the dew point was a tad lower than in recent weeks, and thank goodness it was cool for a change. One thing hadn't changed - the blackflies were insane (some call them buffalo gnats or biting gnats). Why is something always there to put a bur in the moment (?) - I don't know, I just try to adapt. I've taken to wearing bug netting over my head...I don't think I'll post a picture of that, it looks weird and undignified. But the bugs are the rulers of their kingdom and when you step outside you're fair game!
What was exceptional that morning was the air...still as...well, more than a whisper. Early light was wonderful, something you carry and remember months later when you're house bound. I don't know if I came away with anything that memorable "visually speaking", but I still hear the birds singing...a Grasshopper Sparrow stands out, I haven't had the privilege in some time!
I try and keep these moments in a place for future keeping and the oil painting above is one example. It still sits drying on the easel here a few feet away, and I can yet see that morning and hear the birds.
"Summer Morning" - oil pastel "study" (6X12")
© Bruce A. Morrison
(click on image for a larger view)
This morning the wind whips across the valley...it'd be a decent day to work through more commitments here in the studio; nothing is more distracting than a summer gale on the prairie! I might just reflect back on more past walks down the valley...step down to the creek and test the water...