Well the web site had been fully revised and launched!
My website has been in need of updating for longer than I care to admit, so nearly this entire Fall has been devoted singularly to that. The address is the same - www.morrisons-studio.com
The web site will now automatically format properly for desk top, lap top, tablet and mobile device viewing, and be enabled for SSL - making it a secure site from here on out; all big steps I needed to take. It will also be much easier for me to update in the future - no longer doing html the old way will be a joy after doing it "manually" the past 25 years!
Surprisingly the studio sales have been fairly robust during all my chaos this year - the "originals" (paintings and drawings) have sold so well I have a lot of work ahead of me to fill empty spots on the gallery walls this winter!!! A lot to be grateful for! Thank you "Everyone" for your interest and support!
Merry Christmas!
I would like to sign off here in thanking everyone that has visited the studio this and in past years.
I hope each one of you and your families were able to celebrate your Christmas in a special and cherished way.
ALL my Best Wishes to you in the New Year!