"Plymouth County Barn Bales"
oil painting - © Bruce A. Morrison
I guess I'm still trying to think positive about the faux-like Spring we had last week...it was hard to work on this painting because it was sooooo nice out! It got into the 60's and even had some nights well above freezing - and it virtually took out the snow! It was "that" close! Oh well...
Yesterday we had a good 5 inches of snow - very heavy wet stuff...today it has snowed non-stop here, nothing heavy but persistent...looks like a winter wonderland again.
But the painting is finished and I really did enjoy this one...love thinking of summer as I work! This image actually sat in my mind for several years...the barn was real, but it likely no longer stands. Hard to say...I did quite a bit of repair on the structure, but decided not to give it a fresh coat of paint - it needed some "ambiance". 😉
Next week is supposed to be in the 50's each day so Spring is really coming...my studio work may suffer, but all is good!