"Frigid Morning Bales" - oil painting - © Bruce A. Morrison
(click on image for a larger view)
The image above may very well have illustrated our valley last week but today its really changed...a lot of thawing in a heavy fog this a.m. and temps "near" 40 F. We've already had 2 or 3 days below zero and the winter birds have returned to the acreage here, but its November after all - things can change drastically from day to day now!
The image above was used a couple years back by Arts on Grand in Spencer, Iowa for one of the artist Christmas Cards for its "Art on a Card" exhibition. AOG invites artists to submit a winter theme image and then their jury committee decides which they'd like to feature "as a printed card for purchasing" from each artist; during the "Art on a Card" exhibit, the participating artists also exhibit other works on a winter or seasonal theme for the Christmas season.
"Art on a Card" will run from December 1st through 31st at Arts on Grand. There will be an artist reception on Thursday December 4 from 5-7pm - the reception is open to the public.
Take in "Art on a Card" if you get a chance, and get into the Holiday Spirit!
Have a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving out there!